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Find Local Fitted Kitchens / Kitchen Design & Fit Near You

Fitted Kitchens

When choosing a kitchen there are so many things to think of. From style, to how to utilise space, budget to design these are just some of the aspects that need thinking about when choosing a kitchen. If you want free reign and control over the look of your kitchen, then a fitted kitchen will be the right choice for you.

Fitted kitchens have been a popular choice since the 1950’s as they can be designed to make the most of the available space. The term "fitted kitchen" refers to kitchens that offer wall-to-wall built-in cupboards, counters, and fixed units that are typically matching and coordinated. In a fitted kitchen, most appliances are integrated into the kitchen, so it is key to plan your design carefully to include the appliances you want. Fitted kitchens can create a modern, sleek look tailored to your vision and design.

What are the advantages of Fitted Kitchens?

The kitchen is the heart of the home, so its no wonder that it needs careful planning and thinking when it comes to looking for a new kitchen. Here are some of the advantages that a fitted kitchen has to offer:

Utilising Space

One of the main benefits of a fitted kitchen is that cupboards and furnishings are not bound by conventional sizes, so they can be designed to fit around difficult spots and shapes, maximising any architectural oddities.

Designing a Fitted Kitchen

You may have as much or as little involvement into the design as you like when you choose a fitted kitchen. It takes careful planning to decide on where things need to be placed but with a fitted kitchen, you are in the driving seat when choosing where things should be housed in your kitchen. Hidden wine cellar, you got it. Luxury coffee machine, no problem. Anything can be integrated into a fitted kitchen through thorough planning.


The uniform look of a fitted kitchen provides a fresh, modern look that can suit any design aesthetic. There are many styles and finishes to choose from including oak, grained or glass with each providing a different look and feel to your kitchen. Also, units, appliances, and worktops can all be coordinated to provide a cohesive and sleek to your kitchen.

Adds value to your home

Although fitted kitchens can be quite expensive as they need to be high quality to be able to fit the space, they can be good value for money as in return they can add value to your home. In part, this is because of the increasing demand for modern, fitted kitchens with their range of advantages and style that can add to any home. People who are looking for bespoke kitchens are mostly concerned with quality. Regardless, owing to its popularity and sensible design, space, and storage solutions, fitted kitchen prices have been more competitive in recent years.

Fitted Kitchen- How much does it cost?

The cost of a fitted kitchen can vary due to many factors such as the size of the space, materials used and difficulty of the job but on average, a typical fitted kitchen in the UK can cost anywhere between £4,500 to £12,000. This cost mainly includes design, units, worktops, installation, plumbing and VAT. Although most of this is included in the typical price package, make sure to get a detailed, written quote with what is going to be included so that there are no hidden costs.

Finding quotes has never been easier on Top Tradespeople. Simply post your job and we will connect you with up to 3 local Kitchen Fitters without obligation, and totally free of charge.

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