Choosing Bathroom Fittings

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Whatever your needs are as regards style, you will have to make some decisions around fittings. We thought we’d give you a few pointers that should make this job a little easier.

Choosing Bathroom Fittings

How do I choose a bathroom fitting?

Part of redesigning or renovating a bathroom is changing the fittings. This is where you get a real chance to update the room, or to just give it a subtle style kick that will make it a more welcoming and warmer room. Whatever your needs are as regards style, you will have to make some decisions around fittings. We thought we’d give you a few pointers that should make this job a little easier.

What do you want?

Once you have decided on the kind of space the bathroom needs to be, it becomes easier to choose the right fittings. One great tip in this area is to dismiss what the bathroom currently looks like, and think about what you want it to be. This is important, and while it may not be easy, it will make a huge difference to the end result.

If you want a true haven in the home, you will need to think about warmer colors and more rounded fittings perhaps. If you’re more focused on making a bathroom somewhere you can simply get freshened up for the day ahead, you may prefer a more minimalist outcome. Knowing what you want can actually give you most of the steer you need to make the right decisions.

Check out hotels

This is one of the easiest ways to gain inspiration when trying to choose fittings for your space. If you take some time and scour hotels on the Internet, for example, you’ll find amazing looks that are designed to meet the needs of most people. While this may sound like you won’t find something to inspire you as an individual, you may well be surprised at how effective hotels can be.

Then, look at home design magazines. The fittings they have are carefully chosen for the bathrooms they focus on. You may find inspiration in this area.

Think about space

Space is incredibly important when choosing fittings. You will have to know your limitations here, and it’s certainly true that most bathrooms are on the small side.

Plan what it is you want to do to the room and focus on making sure that whatever you buy meets the goals you have. You can’t make the bathroom bigger without altering the structure, so work within the space you have.

Think of storage first

You may think you don’t have a lot of stuff in your bathroom, but when you take stock it will be clear that storage is a main priority. This will drive your buying, and it will define how you manage the purchase of fittings. Choose storage that works, obviously, but that also helps to make the room what you want it to be. Focusing on storage before you consider any other fittings will help in the long run.

Fittings are a big part of the bathroom. But consider the overall look and other aspects such as storage first, and you should find it is easier to make decisions.

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