How To Increase Your Shower Pressure

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Is there anything worse than standing under a trickle of water as you try to wake yourself up in the morning? Thousands of British homes are struggling with a lack of water pressure which results in a weak shower. There are many reasons why your shower might be less than powerful, and the first step to fixing the problem is finding out what is causing it.

How To Increase Your Shower Pressure
shower bathroom

Is there anything worse than standing under a trickle of water as you try to wake yourself up in the morning? Thousands of British homes are struggling with a lack of water pressure which results in a weak shower. There are many reasons why your shower might be less than powerful, and the first step to fixing the problem is finding out what is causing it.

Low Pressure Shower Head

One of the most common problems is with gravity fed systems. These are usually found in older properties and involve a water storage tank in the loft. As the distance between the base of the tank and shower head is relatively short, this results in a trickle from the head. One of the quickest and easiest ways of fixing this is by replacing the standard head with a low-pressure head. These are specially designed to work with low pressure systems and could resolve your problems entirely with minimal expense and hassle. It’s worth giving this a try before progressing to more expensive options.

Fit an Electric Shower

If your problems are down to lack of water pressure from your hot water storage system, another option is to fit an electric shower instead. These types of shower draw water from the cold supply and heat it themselves. The higher the kilowatt rating of the shower you buy, the more water it can heat. Having an electric shower is a good option for many homes as it gives an option for a war shower which isn’t dependent on your boiler running properly. Electric showers should be professionally installed, and your plumber will be able to recommend which model and power rating will give you the best shower experience.

Fit a Pump to An Existing Shower

Not all showers can have a pump fitted, and it will depend on the type of shower and water system. In many cases however, a pump can force more water through the shower head and help you enjoy a more powerful shower. There are lots of different pumps on the market, so you’ll need to work out which one is best for you. Measuring your water pressure isn’t tricky; all you need is a large measuring jug, a stopwatch and some basic arithmetic. You might be better getting a plumber to advise you though, as building regulations require that all electric pumps are fitted by someone with the right electrical qualifications for working close to water.

Unblock Your Shower Head

One of the most common reasons for a poor-performing shower is that the shower head has got clogged up. This is a particular issue in areas with hard water, where limescale can quickly build up on shower head nozzles and narrow the route for water to get out. Replacing your shower head is a simple task, but why not try to clean it first? The best way to reverse the chemical reaction is to soak your shower head in vinegar for at least 30 minutes, preferably overnight. Rinse it well and replace. You might have to do this every couple of months to stop the limescale building up again.

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