How To Wallpaper A Ceiling

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Wallpapering, especially on ceilings, is one of those tasks that less experienced DIY enthusiasts may feel less than confident about tackling.

How To Wallpaper A Ceiling

A Guide To Wallpapering A Ceiling

How to paper a ceilingWallpapering, especially on ceilings, is one of those tasks that less experienced DIY enthusiasts may feel less than confident about tackling.

Getting someone in to do the job for you is certainly a possibility, but it will cost substantially more than doing things yourself.

With a bit of preparation and a few basic tools, papering a ceiling is something that will take no more than a couple of hours to complete.


There are many reasons why people decide to paper their ceilings, but the most common reason is to hide hairline cracks in the surface of the ceiling or to even out a bumpy surface.

Choosing the right sort of paper is the key to a successful project. It goes without saying that it is best to choose a plain paper without a pattern, unless you want to make a real statement on the ceiling.

Many people paint over any paper put on the ceiling, so choose a paper which can be easily painted if this is the intention.


As well as the paper, you will require some basic equipment to complete the job.

You will need scissors to cut the paper, a measuring tape, a set of step ladders, a paintbrush to spread the paste on the back of the paper, a roller to smooth the paper down and some wallpaper paste.

Measuring and Cutting

The first step in the process is to accurately measure and then cut the paper.

Taking time over this step will mean the following stages are quicker and there is less waste with paper that has been cut incorrectly.

Matching up a pattern is not an issue when plain paper is used on a ceiling, but if a paper with a repeated pattern has been chosen, extra rolls may be needed to ensure the strips match up.


Once the paper has been measured and cut to size, the next step is to apply the glue to the back.

Mix up plenty of glue for the job before you start, or use ready mixed paste or self-adhesive paper. Apply the glue liberally with a large brush, ensuring the whole strip is covered evenly.

Glue one strip at a time only to avoid becoming completely surrounded by pieces of sticky paper.

Applying the Paper

Once the paper has been covered with glue, fold it carefully and take it up the ladder.

For novice wallpaper hangers, it may be better to have a second pair of hands to help with this step. Starting in the corner, fix the paper to the ceiling and smooth it down.

Once the paper is stuck to the ceiling, roll it with a roller or large brush to even out any wrinkles and push any air bubbles out of the edge of the paper.

Continue applying the paper strip by strip until the ceiling is covered. Any excess glue between the strips should be removed right away with a wet sponge as if it is allowed to dry it can appear shiny and patchy.

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