Kitchen Design Choices That Will Last

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Here are our top tips for design choices in the kitchen which are more likely than not to stand the test of time

Kitchen Design Choices That Will Last

Kitchen Design Choices Which Will Last

Putting in a new kitchen represents a substantial investment in both time and money. With the cost of a new kitchen starting at around £5k, it’s not a project you’d want to be repeating every couple of years. But fashions change, and how can you be sure that your choices of cupboards, worktop and lighting aren’t going to date quickly and look old-fashioned in a short time? Here are our top tips for design choices in the kitchen which are more likely than not to stand the test of time.

Top Tips For Making Your Kitchen Last

Industry statistics show that most people replace their kitchen every 10 to 15 years, although some will replace much more frequently. Kitchens are expensive, and often the reason that people are replacing the kitchen within a few years is because they have made choices which just don’t work for the way they live, or because they’ve chosen elements which were the height of fashion at the time but which quickly date and look old-fashioned. So what can you do to ensure that your kitchen is still working for you at least ten years into the future?

Get The Layout Right

Often the reason for wanting to change a kitchen isn’t because you’ve gone off the cupboards, but because the layout just doesn’t “work” for your needs. Make a list of all the things about your current kitchen you don’t like, whether it’s a lack of light, not enough cupboards, or the position of the sink. Try to address those issues when arranging the layout of your new kitchen. Ask a professional kitchen designer for options, and don’t be afraid to tweak the plan and as make as many changes as needed to get to your perfect layout.

Go for Safe Colour Choices

Navy blue and dark green kitchens might be the top fashion trend for 2020, but are they still going to look great in 2030? Or just old and unfashionable? It’s always best to steer away from whatever the latest design trends are in the kitchen. White never goes out of fashion, especially in a more traditional style. If you think you might want to sell your house in a few years, choose a kitchen with mass market appeal rather than something which just suits your own individual taste.

Hardwood Flooring

A similar principle applies when trying to choose flooring for your new kitchen. You might have your heart set on bright pink rubber, but it’s not to everyone’s taste. A good option is always hardwood flooring, in a finish like oak or beech. It goes with everything, and shouldn’t ever fall out of fashion. Hardwood floors take on character as they age and will look even better in 20 or 30 years’ time. If you’d prefer tiles, choose something durable and long lasting, which is easy to clean and resistant to cracks or chips.

Express Yourself through Accessories

Although long-lasting kitchen design choices might translate as dull and boring, that doesn’t mean that your kitchen has to be the same as everyone else’s. But let your personality shine through in the parts of your kitchen which are easy to change. Paint the walls a jaunty shade of orange if that’s what makes you happy, knowing that it’s easily changed back to white if you want to sell, or just get bored with it. Get the position of the lighting right, and it’s easy to change the individual lights or shades as fashion changes too. Plants, artwork and colourful china and accessories can also allow you to move with the times as kitchen trends develop.

Spend Time Over the Design

Kitchen designers in the large showrooms are there to design your kitchen but mainly to convince you to buy the products the company offers. It’s easy to say, but try not to be pressured into making a snap decision because the salesperson is offering discounts or telling you that a promotion is about to be withdrawn. Committing to a poor design which doesn’t work for you and which needs to be replaced in a few years is going to cost much more in the long run. Don’t be afraid to ask the designers to alter their designs to accommodate your preferences.

Colour and Finish of Cabinets

Currently dark green and navy blue kitchens are all over the glossy magazines, but could these be the avocado bathroom suite of the future? Of course there’s always the option of replacing the doors or having an out of fashion kitchen painted at a later date, but it’s perhaps a better choice to steer away from the trendy choices and stick to something more timeless. White never goes out of fashion, or if you want a bit of colour, stick to the paler blues or greys. If you’re desperate for a bit of colour in your kitchen then consider getting this by choosing accessories. Alternatively something like a glass splashback can give a contemporary feel and is easier to change than a whole kitchen.

Shaker Style

Shaker-style cabinets with cut out central square panels have been around for centuries and never really go out of style. Opting for this style of kitchen ensures it’s not going to go out of fashion any time soon. If you want to inject a bit more personality, then look at unusual handles or accessories, which are easy to change for something different if your tastes change in the years to come. Another similar option is to choose something like a deep Belfast sink, which has been a standard of kitchen design for decades.

Flooring for a Timeless Kitchen

Wooden flooring is the one choice which never dates in a kitchen but solid hardwood flooring can be pricey. It is however possible to achieve the same look using laminate planks or vinyl tiles which are both cheaper to buy and easier to fit. It’s worth paying a bit more for a higher quality flooring as the kitchen is often one of the most used areas of the home, and you want a flooring which won’t scuff or scratch.

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