Show Your True Colours

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Red and yellow and pink and blue, what does your colour choice say about you....

Show Your True Colours

What does the paint you choose say about you?

Red and yellow and pink and blue, what does your colour choice say about you....

There are a variety of ways that you can show your personality, and when it comes to interior design, this is a time when you can really inject some creativity and flair, which unbeknownst to you will undoubtedly show your true colours.

Paint colours and your personality

Colour gives an insight into your personality, and is a way that people can truly see how you are feeling.

You may have memories of mood rings from your childhood, the ones that would change colour to reflect what mood you were in, and this is much the same to the colour you choose to put on your walls.


Often a chosen for many in the bedroom, this is a primary colour and when used in a bold shade will reflect your passionate nature.

However, on the flip side, people that like this colour are also considered as being fiery and with a short temper, so do watch out!


This is a colour you’ll often find in the kitchen because it’s warming, which makes it perfect for social get-togethers and dining parties; it’s also rumoured to aid digestion!

However, be warned because it can make a room look smaller, so if you have a little kitchen, you may want to think about adding features to increase the space, such as mirrors and various other reflective items.


People often steer away from pink because it’s seen as a girly colour, however a splash of pink in a room can portray many different feelings.

A subtle baby pink is calming and will soothe you after a busy day at work, whilst hot pink is fiery and is great if you’re feeling passionate.


Black is another colour people often stray away from because it denotes depression and sadness, however used in the right setting, it can evoke true style and sophistication.

You’ll see in high end interior design shops that there are many pieces of furniture finished in black, so instead of painting your whole wall, just use a few items to finish off your design in true style.


Purple is another that is commonly thought as a girly colour however it’s great if you have a creative mind and are lacking inspiration.

It’s thought that a lick of this colour paint will help to inspire you and evoke a whole host of creativity. However, be careful as too much of this colour can be overwhelming, so stick to just one feature wall instead of covering the whole room.


Guest bedrooms are often adorned with blue because it has a calming effect. It is a tranquil colour that will aid you in your attempts for relaxation, and have you sleeping in no time!


Sometimes thought of as a medicinal colour (which is why you may find it sprawled across the walls of the local doctors surgery!) green is much like blue in its properties. It’s calming and peaceful, and is often the preferred choice for people in the bathroom where all you want to do is sit back and relax after a hectic week at work.

Colours say a lot about you and how you are feeling, so when you next visit your local decorating shop to pick out paint, you may not realise that by choosing red or green, you’re denoting how you feel, but the truth is, you are!

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