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Trades in Bushey
Find a local tradesperson in Bushey, Hertfordshire
Operates in Bushey
Operates in Bushey
Operates in Bushey
Operates in Bushey
Operates in Bushey
Operates in Bushey
24 hour callout, All work guaranteed, Clean and tidy, Commercial work covered
Operates in Bushey
Operates in Bushey
Operates in Bushey
Operates in Bushey
Operates in Bushey
Operates in Bushey
A small example of past local projects
Need front door spraying
Need toilet fitting in shop
Need toilet fitting in shop
Need shower fitting
Installation of shower cubicle - Watford
Installing shower cubicle
Garden wall needs replacing
Need bathroom light replacing after leak
Boiler service needed please
Boiler service needed please
Development of a 2 bedroom bungalow, requiring a hip-to-gable roof extension with front and rear dormers plus downstairs rear and side extension. Have full planning permission, Building Control and Thames Water (drains) approval. Can share all plans. Looking for builder who can give a quote (not estimate) with an agreed payment schedule linked to the Building Control sign-off stages.
Development of a 2 bedroom bungalow, requiring a hip-to-gable roof extension with front and rear dormers ...
Rear and side extension - Rickmansworth
Rear and side extension. Plans available for exact details
Power shower installing
Installation of a power shower
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