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Trades in Clackmannanshire
Find a local tradesperson in Clackmannanshire, Scotland
Operates in Clackmannanshire
NHS discounts, OAP discounts, Over 5 years trading
Operates in Clackmannanshire
Operates in Clackmannanshire
Operates in Clackmannanshire
Interior and exterior work, Weekend availability, Polite and Friendly, Domestic and commercial projects
Operates in Clackmannanshire
Operates in Clackmannanshire
Operates in Clackmannanshire
Operates in Clackmannanshire
All work guaranteed, Family owned, Over 10 years experience
Operates in Clackmannanshire
Operates in Clackmannanshire
Operates in Clackmannanshire
Operates in Clackmannanshire
Operates in Clackmannanshire
Operates in Clackmannanshire
Operates in Clackmannanshire
Operates in Clackmannanshire
Operates in Clackmannanshire
Free estimates (Excl. insurance)
Operates in Clackmannanshire
Operates in Clackmannanshire
Operates in Clackmannanshire
Operates in Clackmannanshire
Domestic work covered, Free quotes / estimates, Fully insured, Commercial work covered
Operates in Clackmannanshire
Operates in Clackmannanshire
Operates in Clackmannanshire
Operates in Clackmannanshire
24 hour callout, Insurance work undertaken
Operates in Clackmannanshire
A small example of past local projects
Detached house in Strachan Crescent, Dollar. Built c 1960 and later extended. Original outside walls ...
Shed moving - Falkirk
Moving a garden shed
Wet wall bathroom
Need my bathroom refurbished
Dunfermline - Small extension building
Small extension
Repointing to damp patch - Linlithgow
Damp patch under window
Toilet repair
Need kitchen fitted
Two bathrooms (en-suite and family) for underfloor heating prior to tiles being placed.
Have fit solar panels company who installed have ceased trading went to submit meter reading and noticed ...
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