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Trades in Cornwall
Find a local tradesperson in Cornwall
Operates in Cornwall
Operates in Cornwall
Quality advice and services, Flexible, Highly professional, Efficient timescales
Operates in Cornwall
Operates in Cornwall
Operates in Cornwall
Operates in Cornwall
Operates in Cornwall
Free estimates (Excl. insurance), Over 10 years experience, Over 10 years trading
Operates in Cornwall
Family owned, Commercial work covered, Fully insured, Over 20 years experience
Operates in Cornwall
Operates in Cornwall
A small example of past local projects
Truro - Replace window with double doors.
Would like new double doors to replace window
Padstow - House refurbishment
Kitchen refurbishment and other rooms
Commercial property. Attend site and investigate a leak on a toilet.
Truro - Fitting a new Wickes kitchen
Fit a Wickes kitchen
Fowey - Installing a shaver socket
Install shaver socket in bathroom and wire up bathroom extractor fan.
Truro - Fit Howdens kitchen
Remove old kitchen and fit a new ready assembled Howdens kitchen
Worktops routing/joining in the next few days
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