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Trades in Dorset
Find a local tradesperson in Dorset
Operates in Dorset
NHS discounts, Over 20 years experience
Operates in Dorset
Operates in Dorset
Operates in Dorset
24 hour callout, All work guaranteed, Commercial work covered, Domestic work covered
Operates in Dorset
Operates in Dorset
Operates in Dorset
Operates in Dorset
Family partnership, Free estimates (Excl. insurance), Over 20 years trading, Polite and Friendly
Operates in Dorset
Over 5 years trading, Perfectionist
Operates in Dorset
Operates in Dorset
Cards Accepted, Project management expertise
Operates in Dorset
Operates in Dorset
Operates in Dorset
Operates in Dorset
Operates in Dorset
Operates in Dorset
Operates in Dorset
Clean and tidy, Domestic and commercial projects, Efficient timescales, Flexible
Operates in Dorset
A small example of past local projects
Electric shower needs fitting
Need new shower fitted
Need wet room to replace bathroom
Convert a Falcon 6 burners model g3101 natural gas to LPG.
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