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Trades in Flintshire
Find a local tradesperson in Flintshire, Wales
Operates in Flintshire
Operates in Flintshire
Operates in Flintshire
Operates in Flintshire
Operates in Flintshire
OAP discounts
Operates in Flintshire
Operates in Flintshire
Cards Accepted, Clean and tidy, Family owned, Family partnership
Operates in Flintshire
Operates in Flintshire
Operates in Flintshire
Operates in Flintshire
Operates in Flintshire
Operates in Flintshire
Operates in Flintshire
Operates in Flintshire
Operates in Flintshire
Domestic and commercial projects, Efficient timescales, Interior and exterior work, Large team of professionals
Operates in Flintshire
Operates in Flintshire
Operates in Flintshire
Operates in Flintshire
Operates in Flintshire
Operates in Flintshire
Operates in Flintshire
Operates in Flintshire
24 hour callout, All work guaranteed, Commercial work covered, Domestic work covered
A small example of past local projects
Need pergola putting up garden paving
Roof repair
2 bed loft conversion - Holywell
Loft conversion with two bedrooms
Need new gas fire installed
Need new shower fitted
Kitchen doors and work tops
Need new water pump
Quote for full house refurbishment
Would like a quote for house refurbishment
Replace existing door on garage with patio doors
Replacement of an existing up and over garage door with patio doors including brickwork
Worktops fitting in small kitchen
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