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Trades in Westminster
Find a local tradesperson in Westminster, London
Operates in Westminster
Cards Accepted, Family partnership, Highly professional, Large team of professionals
Operates in Westminster
Operates in Westminster
Operates in Westminster
Operates in Westminster
Operates in Westminster
Operates in Westminster
Operates in Westminster
Operates in Westminster
All work guaranteed, Fully insured, Insurance work undertaken
Operates in Westminster
Operates in Westminster
24 hour callout, Commercial work covered, Domestic work covered, Family owned
Operates in Westminster
Clean and tidy, Domestic and commercial projects, Efficient timescales, Flexible
Operates in Westminster
Over 10 years experience
Operates in Westminster
A small example of past local projects
Gas fire removal
Replacement of section of kitchen worktop.
Shower needs fitting over bath
Need shower fitting
Have a sliding shower door we would like installed in our office after our glass shower door shattered. We have the door on site. This would probably take an experienced person just a couple of hours to do.
Have a sliding shower door we would like installed in our office after our glass shower door shattered. ...
Need kitchen fitted
Kitchen needs moving
We would need a kitchen dismantled and delivered to another location - to include worktops
Washer repair
Washer/dryer repair AEG LAVAMAT turbo L14710 VIT Washer/dryer rips clothes on 3 separate occasions the ...
I need quote to start work
I need a quote to commence work on my newly approved plan. once i hear back from you will email you a ...
Bathroom replacement full refurbishment quotes invited
Would like quote for bathroom refurbishment
Need kitchen wrapping
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