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Trades in Wigston
Find a local tradesperson in Wigston, Leicestershire
Operates in Wigston
Operates in Wigston
24 hour callout, All work guaranteed, Domestic work covered, Family owned
Operates in Wigston
Operates in Wigston
Operates in Wigston
Commercial work covered, Insurance work undertaken, Long established company, Over 20 years experience
Operates in Wigston
Operates in Wigston
Operates in Wigston
Operates in Wigston
Operates in Wigston
Operates in Wigston
Operates in Wigston
Operates in Wigston
Operates in Wigston
Cards Accepted, Clean and tidy, Guaranteed customer satisfaction, Highly professional
Operates in Wigston
Operates in Wigston
Over 10 years experience
A small example of past local projects
Need bathroom fitted and new boiler
Need new down stairs toilet and sink in cloakroom
Fridge Plumbing
Would like water supply connecting to fridge
Sink waste pipework replacement
Fitting of new waste pipework in a housed in kitchen unit double sink.
Need whirlpool fitted
Replace removed wall asap
Would like quote for inside building work
Quote to fit an extractor canopy: h46.5cm x w89.8cm x d39.6cm ceiling height 300cm appliance underneath ...
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