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Damp Proofing Specialists

Damp proofing is a term that refers to a range of procedures that are used to keep damp from accumulating in walls. Damp becomes trapped inside walls when moisture enters tiny cracks and spreads through the crevices in brickwork. The damp will rise until it reaches a point where gravity intervenes and pulls it back down. There are a variety of ways to deal with moisture, but most of them involve removing internal plasterwork to repair the damaged area underneath it, which is a messy and dirty process. 

Almost every building that isn't properly protected against rising damp will experience it. The most typical solution is the application of a chemical Damp Proofing Cream, which is normally carried out by a professional damp proofing specialist to who will use a specialised injection equipment to treat the damp area. They will then use a salt retardant ingredient to re-plaster your walls.

Hiring a Damp Proofing Specialist

There are many different factors when it comes to calculating the cost of damp proofing. The cost can be affected by the property type, the amount of rooms affected and how widespread the damp is. Finding quotes has never been easier on Top Tradespeople. Simply post your job and we will connect you with up to 3 local Asbestos Removers without obligation, and totally free of charge. Once you have your quotes you will be able to gather the costs associated with damp proofing your home.

Electro Osmotic Damp Proofing Method

Electro osmotic damp proofing, rather than the more traditional chemical procedures, is being used by certain damp proofing contractors today. Small electrical charges are used in the electro osmotic damp proofing process to transport moisture inside the wall harmlessly back into the ground. The insulated walls remain dry and free of damp as long as the positive charge is maintained. Professionals will set up small titanium wires throughout the home, fitting parts into small holes drilled in the walls, to do this. This can all be monitored through wires that are connected to a computer system. This option is becoming more preferable due to its low running cost with the electrical cost comparable to running a doorbell.

How to Prevent Damp?

Damp can be preventable if you take the right preventative methods. Some of the main causes of damp are faulty guttering and roofs. Blocked gutters can allow rainwater to build up and overflow into the brickwork which can damage the bricks and mortar leading to damp in your home. Frequently inspecting your roof to make sure it is well protected, and waterproof can also help to prevent damp as loose tiles, skylights and chimneys can allow water to get in and cause extensive damp problems.

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