How To Get Rid of Wasps

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Getting rid of wasps is something you need to think about carefully before diving in. It can be a dangerous job if you get it wrong so precautions are necessary.

How To Get Rid of Wasps

How to get rid of wasps

Getting rid of wasps is something you need to think about carefully before diving in. It can be a dangerous job if you get it wrong so precautions are necessary.

Different Types of Wasps

Wasps come in two main types: social and solitary.

Solitary wasps do not pose much of a threat as they usually are found on their own and are handy in the garden for getting rid of other pests, like beetles.

Social wasps create nests that can be found in various parts of the home, often in the loft or by the doorway.

Step By Step How To Get Rid Of Wasps Nests

Below is a step-by-step approach to getting rid of wasps:

  • First of all you should assess whether or not you are likely to have a bad reaction to a wasp sting. Many people can have severe allergic reactions to wasp stings and can die as a result.
  • If you think you may be at risk then DO NOT attempt to get rid of a wasps nest.
  • Night time is usually the best time for getting rid of wasps as most of the wasps will be in or around it.
  • Make sure pets and children are away from the target wasp areas before starting the job.
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  • Buy a wasp nest destroyer from a DIY shop. Purchase a projectile one for nests in high areas but not for underground nests.
  • Wear protective clothing before you tackle a nest. This should include goggles to cover your eyes, a mask to protect from spray vapour and a few layers of clothing to guard against stings.
  • Chances are you are in the loft when removing a nest – if you have a light in there try to use this. If you use a torch or light that is near your body the wasps will be attracted to it.
  • If the nest is near a doorway make sure you have another way of accessing your property while the nest removal is in operation.
  • Plan a clear and safe pathway out of the area before you begin removal so you know exactly how to get out swiftly.
  • Enter the space where the nest is and spray the exterior of the nest. This will attack the guard wasps and disorientate them. Wait a few minutes, allowing you time to get to the heart of the nest. Use a long implement to start to destroy and break down the nest while simultaneously applying the destroyer, saturating the nest in the process.
  • Do not stay waiting around once you have sprayed. Get yourself out of the area as soon as you can. Wait for time written specified on the can of wasp destroyer before entering the area again.
  • Make sure all or most of the wasps have been destroyed before entering back into the nest zone. If they are not you may have to repeat the process
  • Put the nest into the rubbish bin outside

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