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Trades in Altrincham
Find a local tradesperson in Altrincham, Greater Manchester
Operates in Altrincham
Operates in Altrincham
Operates in Altrincham
Operates in Altrincham
Operates in Altrincham
Operates in Altrincham
Operates in Altrincham
Operates in Altrincham
Operates in Altrincham
Operates in Altrincham
Operates in Altrincham
All work guaranteed, Domestic and commercial projects, Free estimates (Excl. insurance)
Operates in Altrincham
Cards Accepted, Clean and tidy, Domestic work covered, Fully insured
Operates in Altrincham
Operates in Altrincham
A small example of past local projects
Need electric shower fitting
Need new cooker fitted
Architect needed
Need electric shower fitting
Sale, M33 - Quote for two bathroom refurbishment
Would like two bathrooms refurbished
Sale, M33 - Complete refurbishment and alteration to kitchen
Kitchen refurbishment
Convert pantry into downstairs toilet and basin
Changing understairs pantry to install toilet and basin. Will need a new doorway from hall, and closure ...
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