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Trades in Salford
Find a local tradesperson in Salford, Greater Manchester
Operates in Salford
Operates in Salford
Operates in Salford
24 hour callout, All work guaranteed, Domestic work covered, Family owned
Operates in Salford
Cards Accepted, Clean and tidy, Highly professional, Highly-skilled
Operates in Salford
Operates in Salford
Domestic and commercial projects, Free estimates (Excl. insurance)
Operates in Salford
Operates in Salford
Operates in Salford
Operates in Salford
A small example of past local projects
Would like electric heating repairing
Electric heating needs repairing
Full house rewire
House rewire full
Salford, M6 - Toilet shower fitting in my cellar
Would like At toilet/ shower put in my cellar
Flat renovation, including kitchen and bathroom quotes invited
Would like quote for new kitchen and bathroom
Economy 7 needs repairing
Need new kitchen
Kitchen refurbish. also lighting tiling flooring and new appliances
False chimney breast creating - Prestwich
Remove gas fire and then build a false chimney breast instead in its place
Gas pipe on hob oven needs modification
Gas pipe on hob oven needs modification
Chorlton, M21 - Need shower door replacing
Would like my glass shower door replaced
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