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Trades in Cheadle
Find a local tradesperson in Cheadle, Greater Manchester
Operates in Cheadle
Operates in Cheadle
Operates in Cheadle
Operates in Cheadle
All work guaranteed, Fully insured, Long established company, No job too small
Operates in Cheadle
Flexible, Free estimates (Excl. insurance), Guaranteed customer satisfaction, Over 20 years experience
Operates in Cheadle
Operates in Cheadle
Operates in Cheadle
Operates in Cheadle
Operates in Cheadle
Operates in Cheadle
Commercial work covered, Domestic and commercial projects, Efficient timescales, Interior and exterior work
Operates in Cheadle
Cards Accepted, Clean and tidy, Domestic work covered, Highly professional
Operates in Cheadle
24 hour callout, Free quotes / estimates
A small example of past local projects
Chimney repair
We have a downstairs toilet/cloakroom which needs reconfiguring to allow for a shower to be installed. ...
Stockport, SK3 - New shower and basin
Need a new shower and basin
Need new bathroom
Northenden, M22 - Kitchen units and tiling
Would like kitchen refurbished need quote
Gas cooker installation asap
Gas cooker installation asap
Shower cubicle needs taking out and replaced with new one
Quote for downstairs toilet or bathroom
Would like a quote for downstairs toilet
Garage conversion to an office asap
Would like my garage converting into an office asap
Need electric shower fitting
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